Saturday, October 27, 2018

Yummy Grits

I like grits.  I didn't really eat grits much growing up and didn't develop a love for them until a few years ago.  I like the creamy-ness of them, the little bit of texture to them and of course butter, salt and pepper.  Yum. 

Over the last couple years I have tried many a grit.  I think I have had all the different brands my grocery store carries.  I have come to like the generic "Kroger" brand best.  Some grits have bits of the kernel skin in them and some have a lot of the skin in them.  I don't like the skins in my grits and the Kroger brand cooks up creamy and skinless.  Try a few different kinds and you will see.

Creamy Grits:
Serves 1 if you want a bowl or 2 if you want a smaller portion.

3 TBS dry grits, Kroger brand Original Quick Grits
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup water
1 TBS butter

In a small sauce pan, add grits, water and salt.  Stir to mix. 

I just eyeball the salt.  This is about a 1/4 teaspoon.  It looks like a lot in my hand but it is spread out a bit.  Ha ha ha.

 Once the grits mixture starts to boil, turn down the heat to low. I usually put in on a touch higher than low, because I am not that patient.  Also give the grits a stir. Put a cover on them and let them cook for about 5 minutes. 
 Take the cover off and give them a stir again.  The grits should be starting to absorb the water and get soft.  Cover and let them cook a few more minutes.

You can see here that they are starting to get creamy but many are still holding their shape and there is still a good bit of moisture in the pot.  They are kind of runny at this point.

 Now they have cooked a few more minutes and they are really beginning to get a bit thicker and creamier. 

At this point you can let them cook a few more minutes and they will thicken more or you can take them off the stove and serve them.
 Add in 1 tablespoon of butter and stir.  I like to do this in the pot because there is more room there for stirring.  The butter really makes them creamy!

Now put them in a bowl and top with a bit more salt if you want and pepper.

You can also add sharp cheddar cheese!  Yum!

Restarting this blog! Yay!

My sister asked me the other day, well she didn't really ask, she was saying how much she missed our dad (who has been gone for almost 10 years now) and how she wished she could facetime him and have him teach her how to cook.  I offered to step in. 

So I decided to video a few "lessons" and also take photos of my processes and share my "recipes".

I put "recipes" in quotes because mostly I just doctor up store bought foods.  I don't really have many recipes that I go by and when I do I will post where I got them and give credit where they are due.

My sister and I came up with a sort of plan.  We will create a weekly meal plan and I will search my recipes for good ones and then give her a grocery list.  Then we will start cooking.  I will try to come back and link the meals in the plan to the posts where I make them and share the recipes.

I am not sure how long this will last but I am hoping for a while..... hang in there with us.  :)