Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Diet Progress and Pizza Burgers

I promised I would keep you up to date with the progress. During the first few days I am obsessed with the scale. Wait, I am obsessed with it all the time but I don't normally do anything to make the scale go down just watch it go up.

Anyway, as promised I hopped on this morning and I had lost a total of 5 lbs so far. My goal is 15 lbs, so I am 1/3 of the way there.

I am heading out to dinner with some friends tonight and have looked up the menu on line so I am prepared to order when I arrive. I will be having the side salad, 6 oz filet cooked medium rare and steamed broccoli instead of the standard baked potato. No dessert but I will have a cup of coffee with sweet-n-low(how I drink it normally)

Tonight the rest of the family is having pizzaburgers! They are very easy. Brown hamburger and diced onion and then add your favorite spaghetti sauce but make it thick not juicy like for spaghetti. Then place a dollup of the sauce and meat on a hamburger bun and top with mozzerella cheese and put under the broiler until the cheese melts. Serve.

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